Adriana RABINOVICH - (DGTL) de l'Etat de VaudResponsable du domaine agglomérations et régions, Direction générale du territoire et du logement

Conducting multidisciplinary research and training programmes linking urban development to social policy
Establishing linkages between scientific production and the concerns of decision-makers in public bodies and civil society
Working together with leaders, researchers and representatives of professional bodies and civil society-
Managing human and financial resources
Ensuring project quality via monitoring and evaluation
Raising funds and managing contacts with donors
Organizing and speaking at international conferences and policy debates
Disseminating research results through conferences, lectures and publications
Specialties: Direction of international multidisciplinary programmes; network with, counsell and integrate researchers, practitioners, political leaders and civil society organizations, including the general public; adapt to extremely varied multidisciplinary and multicultural contexts; manage budgets and generate funds; fluent in French, English and Spanish